Thursday, March 06, 2008

Playa de Malvarossa - City Beach in Valencia, Spain

Malvarossa is what the locals usually mean by "going to the beach". It is a full-flung city beach in all respects.
The water is decent and the fine sand is great. During the summer weekends the whole Valencia comes down on this beach. It is a noisy, busy atmosphere with people doing just about everything that can be done on the beach - sunbathing, playing games, socialising, eating, drinking, reading etc.
This is not the place for some desolate loneliness, but if a lively beach is your thing, this is a great place.
There are restaurants at intervals all along the beach but about them I'll tell later! :-)

This part of Malvarossa also comes deliciously alive in the summer nights. It hosts a potent cluster of nightlife which happily spills out onto a beach botellon (a piss-up with booze bought in a shop) until 4am. Although you are not advised to go too far into the beach and from the crowds at night.

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