Monday, October 16, 2006

Pitch & Put

The weather was nice: the sun was shining as it wasn't autumn at all. The golf field was small enough and for dilettantes like we are only. There weren't any real difficult plots on it. Well, there were two or three but I could cope with them. Once Hakan lost his ball in the small bog, and once I lost my ball in the grass.
The battle was quite tough. Hakan didn't expect me to play well from the first time. Once I put my ball in within 4 shots only, but Hakan leaded the game all the time! on the last distance I was able to wrested out and got 3 exptra points. But on the last pit we made it equil! Hakan was beside himself with joy! (look at the picture below)
DROW! it is not bad for the tyro! :-)
Next time I'll try my best to win! Held up , Hakan!

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